

ARTS, CRAFTS + OTHER is Basje's recurring list of everything art. Here’s this month’s top 4 of stuff to watch, go to or look up.

4.  I-C Bastard by Tom Milnes

3. R.E.L., the (only) Dutch TV show about art, with
Michiel Romeyn en Jhim Lamoree

You can watch episodes here.

2. Simon Wald-Lasowksi's crazy website

1. Johan Grimonprez' prophetic pre-9/11 film essay on terrorism, Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y

Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y is screened at the ANGRY exhibition at the Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam. Coincidentally, your Subbacultcha! membership will get you in for free!