2. Hounds of Hate - I Like Triangles (video)
3. Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (video)
4. No Monster Club - A Morbid Fascination (video)
5. Aa - Thirteen (video)
6. Girls in the Eighties - Teenage Royalty (mp3)
7. Broken Water - Memory (mp3)
8. Cheap Trick - He's a Whore (video)
9. Power Animal - Dear My Body, I'm Not That Body. Dear Keith Hampson I'm Not Your Name. You Are A Shaky Boat With A Curse Upon It, But I Need You To Get To The Other Side Of The Lake. (mp3)
10. Warpaint - Billie Holiday (mp3)
11. Sparks - Talent is an Asset (video)
12. The Atoms - Fur (Myspace)
13. High Places - The Longest Shadows (video)
14. John Lennon - God (mp3)
by Zofia