"Lucky Dragons" means any recorded or performed or installed or packaged or shared or suggested or imagined pieces made by Luke Fischbeck, Sarah Rara, and/or any sometimes collaborators who claim the name.
The name "Lucky Dragons" is borrowed from a Japanese fishing boat caught in the fallout of hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll in the 1950's. The crew stricken ill, and the boat itself contaminated, the "Lucky Dragon" became a crystalizing symbol for the previously diffuse worldwide anti-nuclear sentiment. Eventually the boat was painted black, renamed the "Dark Falcon", and put into reuse as a fishing vessel, until it was retired and disposed of on the man-made trash island "Dream Island", where it remains today.
Hawks and Sparrows Anti-War Songs
Bleach on Bleach
Future Feelings
Fear Melody
You can download their MAKE A BABY software for free HERE.